A tip of the hat to the Mumbai news photographer Sebastian D’Souza for keeping up the highest traditions of photojournalism while pursuing the gunmen at the city’s Chhatrapati Shivaji train station. Sebastian’s quietly professional response to the unfolding drama produced some telling images of a particular gunman as he sauntered into the station with his weapon. That picture is now an iconic representation of the terrifying attacks. I do not have the permission to reproduce it. The image can be seen here:
Jerome Taylor of The Independent of London had the good sense to speak to Sebastian and write a story about the pictures. "They were shooting from waist height and fired at anything that moved. I briefly had time to take a couple of frames using a telephoto lens. I think they saw me taking photographs but they didn't seem to care,” Sebastian has been quoted as saying. Read more of Taylor’s report here:
What is ironic about the story is that both Sebastian and the gunman were “shooting” but what a difference between two actions.