Barack Hussein Obama versus Bobby ‘Piyush’ Jindal in 2012? This question has already begun doing the rounds, barely a week into the Obama administration. What is fueling the speculation is the fact that Jindal will be the keynote speaker at the National Republican Congressional Committee's dinner in March.
This is a high-powered event on Washington’s calendar and has the potential to give Jindal the kind of platform he needs to be seen on if he has ambitions beyond his state. That Jindal was chosen over Alaska Governor Sarah Palin too is being interpreted as a sign of things to come in 2012.
The young governor himself, he is only 38, has denied any possibilities for 2012. But then 2012 is still four years away. In politics four hours are a long time. If he chooses to run, he would be only 42 against Obama’s 51.
For quite some time Jindal has been regarded as the rising star of the Republican Party who enjoys a great of respect among the conservatives. It is an important strength to possess in the Republican Party for anyone with ambitions. Although born in a Hindu family Jindal converted to Christianity, something that could work in his favor as well. Jindal stands a very real chance of seriously challenging Obama’s second term. Before that he has to factor in Sarah Palin making a serious bid. She has tasted blood in the couple of months that she spent with the John McCain campaign. Quite obviously, she liked what she tasted.
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Which Oscar nominated song are these striking lines from? My answer tomorrow.
Under a sequined blue sky…
Spent nights dancing on burning embers…
Taste the night, it tastes like honey