Waking up at random times at night with fully formed verses is quite routine for me for as long as I remember. Usually such awakenings lead to either one full ghazal or a couple of random misras (verses). Last night turned out to be unprecedented in its frenzied poeting. (Poeting is not a word but I coined it some years ago.)
Five verses were born between 2.29 a.m. and 3.13 a.m. I can be so precise in my times because I recorded them on my phone. Those who may find it hard to believe this may request me for evidence. If I am in the mood, I might present it. If not, I might tell you to bugger off.
Four of the five verses have no particular relation to one another. The fifth one is a somewhat more imaginative version of the fourth.
I call these verses expressionist poetry as a takeoff on expressionist painting. Here are the quintuplet.
2.29 a.m.
टूटे सितारों से हुआ जहाँ रेज़ा रेज़ा
चलो वह आसमान रफ़ू किया जाए
2.55 a.m.
मैं शून्य हूँ
कितना भी गुणा करो
शून्य ही रहूँगा
2.58 a.m.
भ्रमांड क्या है
शून्य में
प्रकाश का
अपार तरंग
3.11 a.m.
चलो तुम्हारी ख़ुशबू को चारसू करें
तुम्हारी परछाइयों में अपनी जुस्तजू करें
3.13 a.m.
चलो तुम्हारी चन्दन सी ख़ुशबू को चारसू करें
तुम्हारी काली नाग से परछाई में अपने वजूद की जुस्तजू करें
--मयंक छाया