It is a strangely exhilarating feeling for me that I am standing next to a girl that is entirely fictional, created by Artificial Intelligence using some specific prompts that I gave. Since I had no budget to have a real life model/actress to pose for the promotional material for my second single 'दीवारों पर निशानीयाँ' (Hints on the Wall), I had to resort to AI.
I must say the AI on Canva has done a terrific job of translating my prompts into an image that is so remarkably close to what I had in mind. It all boils down to prompts. It is no wonder then that prompts are going to be valuable IP. It is fascinating that I could not create the same image twice despite using the same prompts.
The blurring of the line between what is real in this poster, namely and hopefully me, and what is not, namely the girl whom I have named Chooki, makes me feel quite light. It is as if I am on a spot where gravity is a third of Earth's where my feet are not fully grounded. Incidentally, Chooki was my childhood name.
My embrace of this rather rudimentary AI is a precursor to the near certainty how I will be fully immersed with artificial general intelligence if I am still alive in the next five years. There are clear existential threats that AI and AGI will pose to humanity. Obviously, intelligent regulation of AI is going to be one of the most defining challenges, if not the defining challenge, for governments and legislatures across the world.
In the mean time, I intend using the rather basic AI apps to create some fun visuals for my projects. 'दीवारों पर निशानीयाँ' is just the beginning.